Dear Members,


Stay up to date with all the latest club information by updating your details, and you could WIN!


We’re regularly providing updates to our Members on new promotions and activities, food and beverage offers, the latest on COVID-19 and much more. The best way to stay up to date with all the latest club news is through email and SMS, greatly reducing our impact on the environment.


We’re inviting Members to add or update their personal details including email and mobile phone, and by doing so, you could win one of three (3) $50 Food and Beverage vouchers to spend at Kingswood Sports Club when our doors reopen.


To add or update your details, simply click on the link below and complete the online form. You’ll need your Membership number which is shown on your Kingswood Sports Club membership card. Members have until Monday 27 September to complete the update to be eligible for the prizes.



On behalf of our team, thank you for your on-going support and stay safe.


Kingswood Sports Club Management